Book: Yoga and Fertility, A Journey to Health and Healing
$21.95 Add to cartYoga and Fertility offers a wealth of information for women who are trying to conceive whether or not they are already yoga practitioners. Lynn and Jill are highly experienced yoga teachers and practitioners, who have been teaching ongoing yoga for fertility classes, workshops and retreats for many years.
Video: Yoga for Fertility, Simple Practices for Fertility Support
$19.99 Buy productVideo includes a gentle, all levels Yoga for Fertility practice with routines for pre- and post-ovulation.
Video: Yoga para Fertilidad
$19.99 Buy productLynn Jensen y Carla Heilbron te guían de manera experta a través de posturas suaves pero poderosas, prácticas de respiración y relajación que respaldan tu fertilidad, reducen el estrés y mejoran tus probabilidades de concebir.Incluye 7 videos con más de 2 horas de prácticas para mejorar la fertilidad.
Video: Yoga for Healthy Hormones
$19.95 Buy productThis video offers a daily yoga routine to support hormonal balance.