Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy

Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy

Balancing the feminine and masculine energies is built into the practice of Yoga. We can think of it as balancing the Yin vs. Yang, with the Yin being characterized as the more “feminine” energy, and the Yang as the “masculine”. These associations just have to do with the characterizations of these energies—Yin being calmer, slower, cooler, introspective energy, vs. the Yang which is faster moving, hotter, action-oriented energy.

Our culture tends to be very Yang-oriented; making stuff happen is highly valued, while introspection is not. But, having these in balance is very important, especially because trying to conceive requires plenty of Yin energy, in addition to Yang.

Many modern-day yoga classes, especially fast-moving or heated classes, put a heavy emphasis on Yang poses, which tends to throw many people further out of balance. In my Yoga for Fertility classes, we emphasize bringing these energies into balance—which for most people means raising their Yin energy.

Try these two poses to compare for yourself the effects of doing a Yin energy enhancing pose, versus a Yang enhancing pose: 

Start with Child’s Pose for 6-8 breaths, with your forehead resting on the mat, or on a folded blanket or bolster. When you finish, jot down anything you feel, including any change in your emotions or energy from doing this pose. Now try the same thing with Plank Pose, and again jot down what you notice. Do you feel a difference between the effects of a Yin pose, like Child’s Pose versus a Yang pose, like Plank? 

Other Yin enhancing poses include forward bends and twists. 

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